Family Support Services

assisting families

What is the Family Support Services Program?

The purpose of the Family Support Services Program (FSSP) is to assist families who provide at-home care for family members with developmental delays or developmental disabilities. The goal of these services is to ease the financial and emotional strains of supporting a family member with extraordinary needs in the family home. FSSP offers referrals, reimbursements, and networking opportunities to families who qualify. 

Family Support funds can help pay for the extraordinary costs of caring for a child or dependent with a developmental delay or developmental disability. The distribution of these funds is overseen by the Family Support Services Council, which consists of family members, professionals, and interested community members.


Family Support Funds

  • Family Support funds can be distributed on a recurring schedule or on a case-by-case basis. The Family Support Council and service coordinators determine how the funds are to be distributed.
  • Applications are given to families by the FSSP Service Coordinator or Case Manager.
  • New referrals can be made to Starpoint through the FSSP referral form or by calling a service coordinator or case manager.
Emergency Bags with ecintials

Family Support Reserve Funds

  • Family support maintains a reserve funding source for emergency situations that may arise throughout the year.
  • Applications can be requested and submitted through a Starpoint service Coordinator or Case Manager.
  • Prioritization of emergency requests is based on guidelines established by the FSSP Council. Factors that could indicate priority may include, but not be limited to, families with more than one child with disabilities, families needing respite care, significant medical interventions, limited financial resources, family stability, and more.
Mom fedding little girl

“I would like to express my appreciation to you for granting respite for my family. It’s no small thing to be able to get out of the house for a breather. I went yard selling for the first time this year! I drove around with my windows down and the music turned up. It may not sound like much, but I couldn’t believe how good it felt. Thank you SO much for making it possible!”

~New family to our Family Support Services Program