FRIENDS, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are in need of any used/new phones, laptops, or tablets. Our fundraising efforts will also go towards obtaining these items during COVID-19. Many of Starpoint consumers fall into the high-risk category and are truly safer at home. During the days ahead, the social connections will play a vital role in the emotional/mental/social well-being of the individuals we serve.

Pictured below is the bright, beautiful smile of Starpoint consumer, Dan, after a few members from his running group stopped by with signs and balloons to let him know they were thinking about him. It was a touching moment for all, and Dan’s smile speaks volumes to how powerful social connection is.

YOUR DONATION WILL HELP INDIVIDUALS FULFILL ONE OF THE GREATEST HUMAN NEEDS OF FEELING CONNECTED. If you have any extra devices that you are not using, please send an email to Mary Yang or Ron Hinkle and we will assist you. You can make a financial donation directly from our website

Thank you!